Thursday, September 12, 2013

Animo.js - Tool for Managing CSS Animations

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Animo.js is a really useful tool for managing CSS animations. It allows to control the time and sequence of firing animations and more. Made by Daniel Raftery.

Stack animations, create cross-browser blurring, set callbacks on animation completion, make magic.

CSS animations are phenomenal and offer numerous advantages over JavaScript powered animations. First, they're hardware accelerated, which sometimes hard to notice on a desktop but is unbelievably present when viewing on a mobile browser. Second, I personally feel it's much easier to visualize and write the animation/transition in CSS using keyframes.

The problem with CSS alone is that they're usually fired on page load or a hover event, and you can't stack animations or trigger another when one has completed. That's where JavaScript and animo come in. You can easily stack animations to fire one after another, specify callbacks for the completion of an animation, or simply fire animations on any event or at any moment you please.


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