Sunday, October 07, 2012

Tutorial Todo List App Powered By WordPress

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In this tutorial, we are going to make a WordPress plugin that hooks into the API. It will then present a simple, AJAX-ed todo list application on the /todo URL of your WordPress site. The best thing is that this is a plugin and not a theme, which means you can use it on any WordPress site regardless of the theme. Let’s get started!

Your First WordPress Plugin

If you haven’t written a WordPress plugin before, here is what you need to know:
  • Plugins are PHP files that reside in the /wp-content/plugins folder;
  • Plugins can be either a single PHP file with a unique name, or a folder with that file inside it, along with additional includes and resources (read the getting started guide);
  • Plugins are described by a comment header in the main PHP file. You need this for your plugin to be recognized;
  • Plugins do their business by hooking up to specific events in the WordPress execution. There is a reference with all available filters and actions;
  • The documentation is your friend.
To develop a plugin, install a local copy of WordPress and create a new PHP file in the /wp-content/plugins folder. After this place the header comment you see below, and activate your plugin from the admin panel.
If you only wish to test out the Todo app we are writing today, you can simply grab the download zip, and install it from WordPress’ admin panel (choose Plugins->Upload).


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