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Showing posts with label Modules. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Modules. Show all posts

Sunday, March 09, 2014

What browser am I using?

What browser am I using?
is fantastic web app that will make it easy to know what browser your client or anybody is using.
You're using Firefox 27.
Share this with your support team!

Browser details 
This information may help support representatives resolve any issues you're experiencing with their website.
Operating system Windows 7
Cookies enabled Yes
Flash version 12.0.0
Java version 1.7.0_09
Browser size 1349 x 664
Screen size 1366 x 768
Color depth 24 bit

Your full user agent string is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/27.0

Friday, September 20, 2013

Tutorial jQuery Fullscreen Editor

This jQuery plugin that adds a fullscreen mode option to a common text area.

Key features

  • Flexible fullscreen mode
  • Works on mobile - and major desktop browsers
  • Comes with two different transitions
  • Only ~4kb (minified)


Download and extract the zip file to your desired project folder. Then in your document, first include fseditor.css right before >head< tag,
<link rel="stylesheet" href="fseditor.css" type="text/css" media="all">
Then include jQuery +1.8 and minimized version of fseditor's core javascript file;
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jquery.fseditor.min.js"></script>
That's it! Now the magic will happen.


overlay Whether show semi-transparent overlay behind the editor in fullscreen mode. (true/false)
placeholder Show placeholder on the editor. (string)
transition The transition effect while switching fullscreen mode, by default it is 'fade'.
('fade', 'slide-in')
expandOnFocus When set to true, the fullscreen mode will be triggered on focus. (true/false)
maxWidth Maximum width for fullscreen editor. (number)
maxHeight Maximum height for fullscreen editor. (number)
onExpand Expand event will be triggered when editor the goes to fullscreen mode. (function)
onMinimize Minimize event will be triggered when the editor goes to inline mode. (function)

Public Methods

To trigger a public method of the plugin, you can simply call;
expand Triggers fullscreen mode.
minimize Minimize the fullscreen mode. (unless it's not expanded)
destroy Removes the plugin completely and brings the native textfield back.


This plugin was created by Burak Son (@burakson). Feel free to open a ticket on issue tracker regarding any ideas/bug report. Contribution would also be appreciated!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Tutorial Add a Progress Bar to Your Site


Since the advent of mobile, web sites are turning more and more into “apps”. Concepts that make sense for a locally running application are transferred to the web. One of these is the recent addition of “progress bars” to some of Google’s websites that show the loading state of the page.
In this quick tip, we will use the new NProgress jQuery plugin to add a progress bar to a web page. If you’d like to learn more, keep reading!

The NProgress Plugin

NProgress is a jQuery plugin that shows an interactive progress bar on the top of your page, inspired by the one on YouTube. It consists of a global object – NProgress which holds a number of methods that you can call to advance the progress bar. Here is a quick demo of the methods:

    <h1>Quick Load</h1>
    <p>Show the progress bar quickly. This is useful for one-off tasks like AJAX requests and page loads.</p>
    <button class="quick-load">Quick Load</button>

    <h1>Incremental Load</h1>
    <p>The progress bar is incremented with every element that is loaded. This can be useful in web apps that load multiple items.</p>
    <button class="show-progress-bar">Show Progress Bar</button>
    <button class="load-one-item">Load An Item</button>
    <button class="finish">Finish Loading</button>

    <h1>Percentage Load</h1>
    <p>NProgress lets you set the progress bar to a specific percentage. This can be useful in apps where you know the total number of the items to be loaded, so you can calculate the percentage. This is the technique that we will use in the demo.</p>
    <button class="show-progress-bar">Show Progress Bar</button>
    <button class="set-to-25">Set to 25% Loaded</button>
    <button class="set-to-75">Set to 75% Loaded</button>
    <button class="finish">Finish Loading</button>

The plugin github page suggests that you hook up the NProgress.start() function to your $(document).ready() callback and NProgress.done() to $(window).load() which is a very easy way to integrate the plugin. This won’t show the real progress (for that you will have to monitor all the resources that are included in your page and increment the bar manually), however most people won’t notice anyway.
Now that you have a good idea of how NProgress is used, let’s make a more complicated example – a gallery that shows a progress bar while loading images. The bar will correspond to the actual number of images loaded.

The Gallery

As usual, we start off with the HTML markup. This time it is very simple, we only have need a div to hold the photos, and a load button:


<!DOCTYPE html>

        <meta charset="utf-8"/>
        <title>Quick Tip: Add a Progress Bar to Your Site</title>

        <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />

        <!-- The Stylesheets -->
        <link href="assets/nprogress/nprogress.css" rel="stylesheet" />
        <link href="assets/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" />



        <h1>Gallery Progress Bar</h1>

        <div id="main"></div>

        <a href="#" id="loadMore">Load More</a>

        <script src=""></script>
        <script src="assets/nprogress/nprogress.js"></script>
        <script src="assets/js/script.js"></script>

I am including a custom font from Google Webfonts and two stylesheets in the <head>, and three JavaScript files before the closing </body> tag.

Things get more interesting in the jQuery part of the tutorial. Here I am using the Deferred object to show the photos consecutively. This is needed, because we want the photos to download in parallel (which is much faster), but fade into view one after the other. This article is too short to explain how Deferreds work, but you can read through one of these: link, link, link. They are a powerful tool that can simplify asynchronous interactions.



    // An array with photos to show on the page. Instead of hard 
    // coding it, you can fetch this array from your server with AJAX.

    var photos = [
        'assets/photos/1.jpg',	'assets/photos/2.jpg',
        'assets/photos/3.jpg',	'assets/photos/4.jpg',
        // more photos here


        // Define some variables

        var page = 0,
            loaded = 0,
            perpage = 10,
            main = $('#main'),
            expected = perpage,
            loadMore = $('#loadMore');

        // Listen for the image-loaded custom event

        main.on('image-loaded', function(){

            // When such an event occurs, advance the progress bar


            // NProgress.set takes a number between 0 and 1

            if(page*perpage >= photos.length){

                // If there are no more photos to show,
                // remove the load button from the page


        // When the load button is clicked, show 10 more images 
        // (controlled by the perpage variable){


            loaded = 0;
            expected = 0;

            // We will pass a resolved deferred to the first image,
            // so that it is shown immediately.
            var deferred = $.Deferred().resolve();

            // Get a slice of the photos array, and show the photos. Depending
            // on the size of the array, there may be less than perpage photos shown

            $.each(photos.slice(page*perpage, page*perpage + perpage), function(){

                // Pass the deferred returned by each invocation of showImage to 
                // the next. This will make the images load one after the other:

                deferred = main.showImage(this, deferred);


            // Start the progress bar animation


    // Create a new jQuery plugin, which displays the image in the current element after
    // it has been loaded. The plugin takes two arguments:
    //	* src - the URL of an image
    //	* deferred - a jQuery deferred object, created by the previous call to showImage
    // Returns a new deferred object that is resolved when the image is loaded.

    $.fn.showImage = function(src, deferred){

        var elem = $(this);

        // The deferred that this function will return

        var result = $.Deferred();

        // Create the photo div, which will host the image

        var holder = $('<div class="photo" />').appendTo(elem);

        // Load the image in memory

        var img = $('<img>');


            // The photo has been loaded! Use the .always() method of the deferred
            // to get notified when the previous image has been loaded. When this happens,
            // show the current one.


                // Trigger a custom event on the #main div:

                // Append the image to the page and reveal it with an animation

                img.hide().appendTo(holder).delay(100).fadeIn('fast', function(){

                    // Resolve the returned deferred. This will notifiy
                    // the next photo on the page and call its .always() callback



        img.attr('src', src);

        // Return the deferred (it has not been resolved at this point)
        return result;

The progress bar is incremented with every loaded image by the callback function that listens for the image-loaded custom event. This way the showImage function is free to handle only the loading and displaying of the photos.
by Martin Angelov

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Tutorial AngularJS With These 5 Practical Examples

By now you’ve probably heard of AngularJS – the exciting open source framework, developed by Google, that changes the way you think about web apps. There has been much written about it, but I have yet to find something that is written for developers who prefer quick and practical examples. This changes today. Below you will find the basic building blocks of Angular apps - Models, Views, Controllers, Services and Filters - explained in 5 practical examples that you can edit directly in your browser. If you prefer to open them up in your favorite code editor, grab the zip above.

What is AngularJS?

On a high level, AngularJS is a framework that binds your HTML (views) to JavaScript objects (models). When your models change, the page updates automatically. The opposite is also true – a model, associated with a text field, is updated when the content of the field is changed. Angular handles all the glue code, so you don’t have to update HTML manually or listen for events, like you do with jQuery. As a matter of fact, none of the examples here even include jQuery!
To use AngularJS, you have to include it in your page before the closing <body> tag. Google’s CDN is recommended for a faster load time:
<script src=""></script>
AngularJS gives you a large number of directives that let you associate HTML elements to models. They are attributes that start with ng- and can be added to any element. The most important attribute that you have to include in any page, if you wish to use Angular, is ng-app:
<body ng-app>
It should be added to an element that encloses the rest of the page, like the body element or an outermost div. Angular looks for it when the page loads and automatically evaluates all directives it sees on its child elements.
Enough with the theory! Now let’s see some code.

1. Navigation Menu

As a first example, we will build a navigation menu that highlights the selected entry. The example uses only Angular’s directives, and is the simplest app possible using the framework. Click the “Edit” button to see the source code. It is ready for experimentation!
In the code above, we are using Angular’s directives to set and read the active variable. When it changes, it causes the HTML that uses it to be updated automatically. In Angular’s terminology, this variable is called a model. It is available to all directives in the current scope, and can be accessed in your controllers (more on that in the next example).
If you have used JavaScript templates before, you are familiar with the {{var}} syntax. When the framework sees such a string, it replaces it with the contents of the variable. This operation is repeated every time var is changed.

2. Inline Editor

For the second example, we will create a simple inline editor – clicking a paragraph will show a tooltip with a text field. We will use a controller that will initialize the models and declare two methods for toggling the visibility of the tooltip. Controllers are regular JavaScript functions which are executed automatically by Angular, and which are associated with your page using the ng-controller directive.
When the controller function is executed, it gets the special $scope object as a parameter. Adding properties or functions to it makes them available to the view. Using the ng-model binding on the text field tells Angular to update that variable when the value of the field changes (this in turn re-renders the paragraph with the value).

3. Order Form

In this example, we will code an order form with a total price updated in real time, using another one of Angular’s useful features – filters. Filters let you modify models and can be chained together using the pipe character |. In the example below, I am using the currency filter, to turn a number into a properly formatted price, complete with a dollar sign and cents. You can easily make your own filters, as you will see in example #4.
The ng-repeat binding (docs) is another useful feature of the framework. It lets you loop through an array of items and generate markup for  them. It is intelligently updated when an item is changed or deleted.
Note: For a more complete version, see this tutorial, which is based on this one, written with Backbone.js.

4. Instant Search

This example will allow users to filter a list of items by typing into a text field. This is another place where Angular shines, and is the perfect use case for writing a custom filter. To do this though, we first have to turn our application into a module.
Modules are a way of organizing JavaScript applications into self-contained components that can be combined in new and interesting ways. Angular relies on this technique for code isolation and requires that your application follows it before you can create a filter. There are only two things that you need to do to turn your app into a module:
  1. Use the angular.module("name",[]) function call in your JS. This will instantiate and return a new module;
  2. Pass the name of the module as the value of the ng-app directive.
Creating a filter then is as simple as calling the filter() method on the module object returned by angular.module("name", []).
Filters follow the Angular.js philosophy – every piece of code that you write should be self-contained, testable and reusable. You can use this filter in all your views and even combine it with others through chaining.

5. Switchable Grid

Another popular UI interaction is switching between different layout modes (grid or list) with a click of a button. This is very easy to do in Angular. In addition, I will introduce another important concept – Services. They are objects that can be used by your application to communicate with a server, an API, or another data source. In our case, we will write a service that communicates with Instagram’s API and returns an array with the most popular photos at the moment.
Note that for this code to work, we will have to include one additional Angular.js file in the page:
<script src=""></script>
This includes the ngResource module for easily working with AJAX APIs (the module is exposed as the $resource variable in the code). This file is automatically included in the editor below.

Services are entirely self-contained, which makes it possible to write different implementations without affecting the rest of your code. For example, while testing, you might prefer to return a hard-coded array of photos which would speed up your tests.
more info:

Saturday, August 03, 2013

Download: File Type Icons

File Type Icons by Web Icon Set is a great set of 62 stylish file extension icons in AI, ICO and PNG.

File Type Icons is a set of 62 different file extension icons in AI, ICO and PNG format. They are designed in long shadow flat design style, which looks very neat and modern. You can easily change the colors as well.

File Type Icons is free for download. You can see some of the most popular filename extensions like .png, .jpg, .exe, .dmg and .txt. If you need an icon that is not in the list, you can easily make or add one by yourself by modifying the AI source file. We will be adding more file types in the future.

File Type Icons come with AI, ICO and PNG format. They can be resized and can easily change colors. You can use the royalty-free icons for any personal, commercial project including web design, software, application, advertising, film, video, computer game, gui design, illustration.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Tabulous.js - jQuery Tabs Module


If you think that tabs are our of fashion and boring, think again and take a look at this stylish jQuery tabs module by Aaron Lumsden.


..:: Getting Started

Include the relevant files
Firstly include jQuery and the tabulous.css and tabulous.js files. Place these before </head> section
<link href='tabulous.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="tabulous.js"></script>
Create the tabs
<div id="tabs">
			<li><a href="#tabs-1" title="">Tab 1</a></li>
			<li><a href="#tabs-2" title="">Tab 2</a></li>
			<li><a href="#tabs-3" title="">Tab 3</a></li>

		<div id="tabs_container">

			<div id="tabs-1">
				<!--tab content-->

			<div id="tabs-2">
				   <!--tab content-->

			<div id="tabs-3">
				    <!--tab content-->

		</div><!--End tabs container-->
	</div><!--End tabs-->

Initiate the plugin
Once you have created your tabs you will need to initiate the plugin.
At its most basic level you can initiate the plugin like:
$(document).ready(function ($) {


If you want to initiate the plugin with an effect then you can do so like:
    	effect: 'scale'

..:: Options

Variable Default Value Description Valid Options
effect scale The effect to use for the transition scale / slideLeft / scaleUp / flip


Sunday, April 07, 2013

Tutorial: 3D-ifying Documents Using CSS Transforms

Cameron Lakenen from Crocodoc explains how they use SVG to do some fancy 3D effects when converting documents.

Note: the demos in this blog post require IE 9+ (preferably 10), Firefox, or any WebKit browser. If you’re on a mobile device, you might need to click the open in new page button to view the demos properly.

